Welcome to the HAC Portal!

If you need assistance for CAMP registration, please email [email protected].
If you need assistance for SCHOOL registration, please email [email protected].

Hebrew Academy of Cleveland

New Family Application

Please note that the application cannot be saved in progress and that the following items will be required in order to submit your application:
  • Your child's birth certificate
  • Your child's report cards from the past two years (if applicable)
  • Your child's IEP (if applicable)


*By completing this application, upon acceptance, I commit to the registration fee of $170


Report Card

Preschool Forms


Preschool Forms


Preschool Forms


Current School

Please list the schools your child attended in the past two years.
If applicable, please enter previous school information below.

Additional Schools

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Parent Information


Father's Spouse (if applicable)

Home Address

Work Information


Mother's Spouse (if applicable)

Home Address

Work Information

Religious Background

Alumni Relationships

Please list any relatives that graduated from Hebrew Academy of Cleveland

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Sibling Information

Please list all the students siblings.

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Please use the dropdown arrow to choose the relationship. If you need more than 2, click the + Add More option below.

Please use the dropdown arrow to choose the relationship. If you need more than 2, click the + Add More option below.

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New students to HAC will need an in person meeting and academic assessment/screener before being placed in a classroom. If a student is considered eligible for extra support and intervention, the process may eventually lead to a determination of special education. This process can take up to 1 year, sometimes more and sometimes less. If a special education determination is recommended, the school will assist in the referral process and, if determined eligible for special education, the student will need to forgo EdChoice scholarship and apply for the Jon Peterson Special Needs (JPSN) scholarship.
We would like new families that may have students who require resource room, intervention, and extra supports to be aware of the scholarship details and programming at HAC. While we do not guarantee servicing new students with intervention upon the immediate start of their schooling at Hebrew Academy, we do need families to understand and accept the school’s expectations. Please call the office at 216-321-5838 on South Taylor for Girls Grades 1-6, 216-382-3300 at Oakwood for Kindergarteners and Boys Grades 1-8, and 216-691-5838 for Girls Grades 7-12 to schedule an interview.